John Brotherton, a renowned Movie Actor based in WA, is projected to have a net worth ranging between $100K to $1M by 2024. With his notable appearances in various films and television shows, Brotherton has captivated audiences worldwide with his exceptional acting skills. His dedication and talent have undoubtedly contributed to his financial success in the entertainment industry. As he continues to take on versatile roles and make significant strides in his career, it is no surprise that John Brotherton's net worth is predicted to flourish in the coming years.
Initially gaining fame for his role on One Life to Live from 2007 to 2009, Brotherton would become a prominent film actor with credits in movies such as The Conjuring, Guardians of the Galaxy, Furious 7, and Precious Cargo. In 2016, he appeared on the Netflix revival of Full House, titled Fuller House, in a recurring role.
He was 10 years old when he first started acting. He would attend Oregon State University and joined the fraternity Kappa Sigma.
He returned to One Life to Live for one episode in 2010.
He married Alison Raimondi, with whom he has daughters named Shia and Saylor, in June of 2008. He and his family moved from Washington state to Portland, Oregon when he was six years old.
He and Luke Evans were both featured in supporting roles in Furious 7.